Compliance program

Safety and cooperation are certainly the basic values ​​of our company.

We understand the COMPLIANCE PROGRAM of our company as a set of principles and measures to ensure legally conforming behaviour of all participants - employees, members of statutory bodies, business partners and other persons who are engaged in the performance of our company activities - so that the above core values ​​are fully met.

We all together strive for socially responsible company management, guided by universally accepted ethical and moral principles such as integrity, honesty and respect.

These values ​​are represented by the principles of behaviour of both the company and its individual employees, manifested in areas such as the fight against corruption and money laundering, fair competition, information protection, security, health and environmental protection and others. The rules for compliance with the individual values ​​are set uniformly for the entire company and also for its employees.

When dealing with our external partners, we behave in a legally compliant manner, in full compliance with the laws and fair competition rules. We support ethical business as such. We realize that the mixing of private and commercial interests may lead to a conflict of interests and for that reason we also reject it.

Marketa Bartony
Compliance officer